Brain Builders
Lead Facilitator Name: no lead facilitator – rotates based on availability
Lead Facilitator Phone: 780-471-3737
Lead Facilitator Email: norwooda@norwoodcentre.com
Partner Agency: Norwood Child and Family Resource Centre
Program Description: The Brain Builders program supports the parents to learn how they can build their child's brain during their early years. Brain Builders will introduce the different developmental areas of the brain and how to support a child's brain development while finding fun ways to build the brain through play!

Stay and Play
Lead Facilitator Name: no lead facilitator – rotates based on availability
Lead Facilitator Phone: 780-471-3737
Lead Facilitator Email: norwooda@norwoodcentre.com
Partner Agency: Norwood Child and Family Resource Centre
Program Description: Visit one of our indoor play spaces to enjoy fun activities with your children and meet new people in your community! Snacks are provided. All are welcome; play spaces are designed for ages birth to 6 years old.

Explore the Outdoors
Lead Facilitator Name: no lead facilitator – rotates based on availability
Lead Facilitator Phone: 780-471-3737
Lead Facilitator Email: norwooda@norwoodcentre.com
Partner Agency: Norwood Child and Family Resource Centre
Program Description: Did you know anything you can teach a child in an indoor classroom can be taught outdoors, often in ways that are more enjoyable for children? Let’s explore the outdoors! Get outside with us and explore the benefits of risky play and connecting with nature! Together we will test boundaries and feelings around risky play, explore new heights, and interact with the world around us.

Family Playtime
Lead Facilitator Name: Jessica Scott
Lead Facilitator Phone: 780-474-5011 ext 117
Lead Facilitator Email: Jessica.scott@candorasociety.com
Partner Agency: Candora Society of Edmonton
Program Description: Family playtime connects families through sensory and motor play. By teaching parents new activities to foster their children’s’ development, while also creating a social opportunity between families, Family Playtime equips families with new knowledge and social supports to live a healthier life. Activities have included making playdough, painting with unique tools and mediums, and sorting games using tongs.

First Five Years: Development (Series)
Lead Facilitator Name: no lead facilitator – rotates based on availability
Lead Facilitator Phone: 780-471-3737
Lead Facilitator Email: norwooda@norwoodcentre.com
Partner Agency: Norwood Child and Family Resource Centre
Program Description: Did you know…Developmental milestones are skills that a child acquires within a specific time frame? Are you interested in information about the important milestones to look for as your child grows and develops? Join us in this session to discuss how you can find resources to support your child’s development as they master new skills.
Part 1 of this group is educational for Parents/Caregivers and their children where Part 2 is an interactive group where Parents/caregivers can practice their skills.

First Five Years: Play (Series)
Lead Facilitator Name: no lead facilitator – rotates based on availability
Lead Facilitator Phone: 780-471-3737
Lead Facilitator Email: norwooda@norwoodcentre.com
Partner Agency: Norwood Child and Family Resource Centre
Program Description: Play is more than just keeping our children busy; it is important for healthy child development. Where do parents come in? Join us in this session to discuss the parent’s role in play and learn how to set up your home environments to keep your children safe, engaged, and growing through play experiences.
Part 1 of this group is educational for Parents/Caregivers and their children where Part 2 is an interactive group where Parents/caregivers can practice their skills.

First Five Years: Science and Behaviour (Series)
Lead Facilitator Name: no lead facilitator – rotates based on availability
Lead Facilitator Phone: 780-471-3737
Lead Facilitator Email: norwooda@norwoodcentre.com
Partner Agency: Norwood Child and Family Resource Centre
Program Description: What do resilience, stress, and self-control all have in common? How can you learn to work through temper tantrums and power struggles with your children in a positive way? In this session, we take a look at the science behind your child's behaviour, and how to use our knowledge to nurture healthy, happy relationships at home with your family.
Part 1 of this group is educational for Parents/Caregivers and their children where Part 2 is an interactive group where Parents/caregivers can practice their skills.

Handle with Care
Lead Facilitator Name: no lead facilitator – rotates based on availability
Lead Facilitator Phone: 780-471-3737
Lead Facilitator Email: norwooda@norwoodcentre.com
Partner Agency: Norwood Child and Family Resource Centre
Program Description: The Handle with Care group focuses on supporting children’s mental health. We focus on four building blocks, including attachment, relationships with others, expressing emotions, and promoting self-esteem.

Jumping Gym Time
Lead Facilitator Name: no lead facilitator- rotates based on availability.
Lead Facilitator Phone: 780-471-3737
Lead Facilitator Email: norwooda@norwoodcentre.com
Partner Agency: Norwood Child and Family Resource Centre
Program Description: Run, jump, climb, and move with your child in our play space. We will have games and activities that build strong muscles!

Learning and Literacy
Lead Facilitator Name: no lead facilitator – rotates based on availability
Lead Facilitator Phone: 780-471-3737
Lead Facilitator Email: norwooda@norwoodcentre.com
Partner Agency: Norwood Child and Family Resource Centre
Program Description: LAPS provides educational opportunities to develop literacy skills in parents and children. Participants learn how literacy is a way of communicating with children while building confidence in parenting. Topics are selected based on participant interest and need.

Preschool Discovery Time
Lead Facilitator Name: no lead facilitator – rotates based on availability
Lead Facilitator Phone: 780-471-3737
Lead Facilitator Email: norwooda@norwoodcentre.com
Partner Agency: Norwood Child and Family Resource Centre
Program Description:
A gathering time for parents/caregivers and children to take part in a variety of learning activities including stories, songs, science concepts, and movement activities for children ages three to five years old. Siblings are welcome.
Tawow Apiscawasiswiw Chefs: Little Chefs
Lead Facilitator Name: Jasmine Blake
Lead Facilitator Phone: 587-336-1726
Lead Facilitator Email: Jasmine.blake-hayes@bentarrow.ca
Partner Agency: Bent Arrow Traditional Healing Society
Program Description: Children Ages 5- 11, and their parent can come in and learn basic snack and cooking ideas that will help the family with planning quick and easy meal plans, on a budget, Team building, Creating healthy Habits, developing gross and fine motor skills that the child can carry with them for a lifetime. 6 week closed cohort.

Triple P Group
Lead Facilitator Name: no lead facilitator – rotates based on availability
Lead Facilitator Phone: 780-471-3737
Lead Facilitator Email: norwooda@norwoodcentre.com
Partner Agency: Norwood Child and Family Resource Centre
Program Description: This 8-session group provides an in-depth look at parenting strategies and opportunities to practice. Activities Include: Parent education, Opportunities to practice strategies, 1:1 coaching