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Teenagers in Park
Youth and Teen Programming

Inclusive programming for youth aged 7-15 and their parents/guardians. Please note that youth in attendance must be accompanied by their parent or guardian for the entire duration of the program.

Sport Explore

Lead Facilitator Name: Daniel Loki 

Lead Facilitator Phone: 780-399-8010

Lead Facilitator Email:

Partner Agency: Youth After School Program

Ages: 13+

Program Description: Engage in sports like Basketball, Volleyball, and Soccer to enhance team building, physical health, and overall well-being. It's a fun and engaging way to develop essential skills both on and off the field and experience a sense of accomplishment, self-esteem, and camaraderie.


Food Works

Lead Facilitator Name: Cindy Lazerenko & Gialdo Bonilla

Lead Facilitator Phone: 587-930-2537

Lead Facilitator Email:

Partner Agency: EMCN & Collaboration with Communities United



Program Description: The Food Works Program is geared towards youth aged 15 and up. In this course, you will have the opportunity to learn: What it takes to work in a restaurant, how to properly use kitchen tools and appliances, food handling, kitchen rules, conflict management, how to work as a team, menu planning, identifying ingredients, nutrition, how to make soups, salads, appetizers & more! Instructor Cindy Lazerenko brings thirty years of experience in the restaurant industry to this program. Facilitators will also help youth with interview skills, as well as connections to the industry.

Girls Yoga

Lead Facilitator Name: Kristine Nutting & Gialdo Bonilla

Lead Facilitator Phone: 587-930-2537

Lead Facilitator Email:

Partner Agency: EMCN and SAGE

Ages: 13-17


Program Description: We are offering stretching for self-confidence and fun. It is 45 minutes of strength building and offers a safe place to learn about the practice of Yoga. It is good for stress and anxiety and for those who want to try out something new. All girls, fem and trans folx aged 13-17 are welcome.

Individual Support

Lead Facilitator Name: Lindsey Kosterewa

Lead Facilitator Phone: 780-474-5011 ext 119

Lead Facilitator Email:

Partner Agency: Candora Society of Edmonton

Ages: 13-17


Program Description: Candora Society’s Family Community Resource Workers provide individual support in: Family Support, Emergency Supplies, Supportive listening and problem solving, Community and Government Advocacy, Completing and submitting applications for income support, pension, housing, Food Bank, bus passes, child benefits and more.

Kid Climbing Wall

Adventure Nites

Lead Facilitator Name: Kadie Hughes
Lead Facilitator Phone: 780 235 3299
Lead Facilitator Email:
Partner Agency: Kikosewin – Bent Arrow Traditional Healing Society

Ages: 13-17

Program Description: Let us meet new friends and try new adventures! We have partnered with our friends at the Alpine Club of Canada for some incredible experiences. From ice climbing and skiing to rock climbing and skateboarding, we have something for you! All levels are welcome! Come try something new.

Practicing Guitar

Guitar Lessons

Lead Facilitator Name: Kadie Hughes
Lead Facilitator Phone: 780 235 3299
Lead Facilitator Email:
Partner Agency: Kikosewin – Bent Arrow Traditional Healing Society

Ages: 13-17

Program Description: We have partnered with Sarah McLachlan School of Music and have a wonderful guitar teacher. No matter your skill or experience, come out and learn something new!

Youth Club Meeting

Hope Groups

Lead Facilitator Name: Kadie Hughes
Lead Facilitator Phone: 780 235 3299
Lead Facilitator Email:
Partner Agency: Kikosewin – Bent Arrow Traditional Healing Society

Ages: 13-17

Program Description: ‘Aksistooyíípaitapissin’ which means ‘the thing that motivates someone to stay alive’. Join us as we build connections with one another, experience Indigenous teachings and share with each other! Snacks and journals will be provided.

Wellness Groups

Lead Facilitator Name: Kadie Hughes
Lead Facilitator Phone: 780 235 3299
Lead Facilitator Email:
Partner Agency: Kikosewin – Bent Arrow Traditional Healing Society

Ages: 13-17

Program Description: Taking care of yourself through community, education and connection is extremely important, especially from these past couple of years. Join us for monthly wellness days where we will share a meal, learn from guest speakers with topics like mental health, self-care etc. and have some fun as well!

Support group

Tween Program

Lead Facilitator Name: Jennifer Maiko & Gialdo Bonilla 
Lead Facilitator Phone: 587-930-2537
Lead Facilitator Email:
Partner Agency: EMCN

Ages: 9-12


Program Description:
Learning about Indigenous ways of being and cultural teachings through crafts, arts, baking and language. Tween Program partners with local knowledge keepers to explore the 7 Sacred Teachings, learn the Cree alphabet and hear from storytellers. We also create a space for participants to learn hands-on skills like beading, dreamcatcher making and ribbon skirt making.

Connect With Us

C5 Northeast Hub

14017 Victoria Trail NW, Edmonton, AB T5Y 2B6

ᐊᒥᐢᑿᒌᐚᐢᑲᐦᐃᑲᐣ (Amiskwacîwâskahikan)
Treaty 6 Territory

(780) 456-1484

inclusive pride flag.jpg

We acknowledge that the land on which we gather in Treaty Six Territory is the traditional gathering place for many Indigenous people. We honour and respect the history, languages, ceremonies and culture of the First Nations, Métis and Inuit who call this territory home.

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